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Find out all about the European Union Medical Device Regulation, how it will impact the market launch and marketing of medical devices and why accurate…
Every YouTube creator who is aiming for a large and engaging audience must invest their time, effort, and money in subtitles. With an easily accessible…
eLearning courses use different kinds of content formats to help you learn. And, all these formats need to be localised to provide the learner with…

Our Latest Posts

Crypto translation

Why Translation Is The Next Step In The Growth Of Cryptocurrency 

Despite the booming crypto industry, it is often difficult for new users to understand the benefits of crypto. Read our latest blog to learn how crypto translation will help attract global users by educating them about the benefits of cryptocurrency.

Why choose human translation
Human vs Machine

In The Era of AI, Why Should You Choose Human Translation 

Human translations sync with human comprehension and make the content more relevant to the readers. Human translation services and AI translations may share the same content, but the intent may differ. Let’s learn how in this latest blog.

Zoom Language Interpretation

A Complete Guide To Language Interpretation On Zoom  

Inaccurate interpretations can damage the business unprecedentedly. Host your Zoom Multilingual meetings seamlessly with Translate By Humans. Here’s a complete guide to making your Zoom meetings effective with accurate interpretations.

Subtitling agency

How To Choose The Right Subtitling Agency For Your Business

A considerable world population believes that video content is more accessible with subtitles. And lousy subtitling can mean a difference between success and failure of your content. So, it is crucial to hire a subtitling agency for many reasons.

e-learning translation and localisation
eLearning Localisation

A Comprehensive Guide To eLearning Translation And Localisation

Are you planning to implement eLearning translation and localisation services for your projects? Or you want to create a global eLearning strategy for your business. We’ve compiled a comprehensive guide to eLearning translation and localisation to ace your planning process.

Remote Simultaneous Interpretation

A Complete Guide to Remote Simultaneous Interpretation

Lack of sufficient knowledge about the services you opt for organising a multilingual event can cloud the most successful vision. So, to eliminate the on-site interpretation setups and to save time and money, here’s a complete guide to remote interpretation services.

Let Us Be Your Trusted Language Partner

Whether you need a 50,000-word document translated or need an interpreter for a meeting in 24 hours – we’ll get it done.